Design: Encyclopédie de la parole
Composition: Joris Lacoste
Stage direction: Emmanuelle Lafon
Let’s add up all the sounds our children ingest! From Pokémon to Darth Vader, from the teacher’s admonitions to Youtube tutorials, it’s a maelstrom of sounds, information and messages that fill the ears of young people every day. blablabla, directed by Emmanuelle Lafon, paints a landscape, necessarily arbitrary, of the imaginary and the representations that are constructed in this way. Through the remarkable performance of an actress who switches from one character, voice and tone to another in the blink of an eye, the show traverses over a hundred situations that build the shared culture and lives of our children. With the support of a sound system designed by L’Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique, this will also be an opportunity for older children to test whether they are still up to date.
Featuring Armelle Dousset
Sound: Vladimir Kudryavtsev
Lighting: Daniel Levy
Assistant director: Lucie Nicolas
Technical assistance: Estelle Jalinie
ircam computer music collaboration: Augustin Muller
Touring stage manager: Philippe Montémont or Laurent Mathias
Assistant directors: Lucie Nicolas // Olivier Boréel // Fanny Gayard
Coordination of sound document collection: Valérie Louys
Collectors: Armelle Dousset // Julie Lacoste // Joris Lacoste // Emmanuelle Lafon // Valérie Louys // Lucie Nicolas // Elise Simonet
Production management: Edwige Dousset assisted by Justine Noirot
Distribution and touring: Victoire Costes
Location: Atelier de la Comédie – 13 rue du Moulin Brûlé, Reims
Audience: All ages, from 7 upwards
Running time: 55 min
Created in September 2017 as part of La Bâtie – Festival de Genève. Produced by Echelle 1:1 in partnership with Ligne Directe / Judith Martin and Marie Tommasini. Echelle 1 :1 is subsidized by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Île-de-France and financed by the Région Île-de-France. Co-production Festival d’Automne à Paris, La Villette – Paris, Centre Pompidou Paris – spectacles vivants, T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers – Centre dramatique national, Le Volcan – Scène nationale du Havre, Théâtre de Lorient – Centre dramatique national, La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, CPPC – Théâtre L’Aire Libre, with the support of Ircam – Centre Pompidou. Residency at Forum Jacques Prévert, Carros. Performance in residence at La Villette – Paris and Made in TPV. This text is a winner of the Commission nationale d’Aide à la création de textes dramatiques – Artcena © photo : Martin Argyroglo.