Written and directed by Joris Mathieu with Haut et Court
A friend who means well
A fan of anticipation, optical illusions and immersive theater, Joris Mathieu’s En marge! reflects on our relationship with a world that is heading straight for the wall. On one side of the wall, which rotates around the stage, Harry bleu, a funny and desperate commentator on our times, speaks only in quotations from television and film, in front of an uninterrupted flow of images. On the other, green Harry, an evanescent presence on the verge of suicide, subject to the power of a barely real woman. Inspired by Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf, En marge! explores the difficulties of constituting oneself as an individual in this age of speed and the virtual, and seizes on laughter and theater as a means of escaping the dissolution of being.
With : Philippe Chareyron // Vincent Hermano // Marion Talotti
Scenic design, dramaturgy: Joris Mathieu // Nicolas Boudier
Staging, set design, lighting design: Nicolas Boudier
Music: Nicolas Thévenet
Video: Siegfried Marque Siegfried Marque
Set construction: Éclectik Sceno
Accessories: Caroline Oriot
Video control system : Clément-Marie Mathieu
Technical design team: Raphaël Bertholin // Jean-Michel Gardiès // Jean-Yves Petit // Thierry Ramain // Mathieu Vallet // Gaëtan Wirsum
Trainee set designer: Agathe Mondani
Lighting construction support: Michel Vendittelli
Stage manager: Mimo Hirth // Stephen Vernay
Production Stage Manager: Stephen Vernay
Venue: Comédie (Grande salle) – Chaussée Bocquaine, Esplanade Malraux, Reims
Public: All audiences, aged 16 and over
Running time: 1h20
Created in March 2020 at Théâtre Nouvelle Génération – CDN de Lyon. Produced by Théâtre Nouvelle Génération – CDN de Lyon. Coproduction Espace Jean-Legendre – Théâtre de Compiègne, Théâtre d’Arles – Scène conventionnée art et création – nouvelles écritures, Lieu Unique – Scène nationale de Nantes. photo : Nicolas Boudier.