Based on the novel by Alain Damasio – Design, direction, sound Frédéric Deslias
Resident artist – Coproduction INTERCAL
The world after ?
With his novel published in 2019, Alain Damasio has established himself as France’s leading author of anticipation literature. In Les Furtifs, the year is 2040, city streets belong to multinationals and our every move is controlled by technology. Only furtives, beings of flesh and sound with unprecedented powers of metamorphosis, roam freely in our blind spots. Frédéric Deslias, resident performer at La Comédie last season, has created a philosophical thriller around the epic quest of parents looking for their missing daughter, set against an immersive 3D backdrop. An invitation, in revolt against insidious, alienating capitalism, to reconnect with the living now.
With : Pierre Mignard // Jana Klein // Benjamin Mayet // Agathe Cemin
Dramaturgy: Cathy Blisson
Digital creation: Thomas Pachoud
Video: Robin Kob & Nohista Robin Kob & Nohista
Lighting: Quentin Pallier
Costumes: Dorota Kleszcz
Design, set design: Laura Couto Rosado
Stage Manager: Emmanuel Sabroux
Digital control: Ema Palumbo
Administration: Fanny Desfarges
Tishka: Livna Klein
Distribution: Le Clair Obscur – AADN
Venue: Comédie (Petite salle) – Chaussée Bocquaine, Esplanade Malraux, Reims
Public: All audiences, 13 years and over
Running time: 2h00
Created in January 2020 Scène Nationale 61 (Alençon). Coproduction Comédie – CDN de Reims, Biennale NEMO, L’Hexagone (Scène Nationale de Meylan), Scène Nationale 61, Le Shadok, L’ADAMI (Culture Expérience Days), AADN, SCAN Rhône-Alpes and Comédie de Caen. Institutional partners Région Normandie (three-year agreement), DRAC, Ville de Caen. Patrons As U Wish & Interfiltre. Residences Comédie – CDN de Reims, Scène Nationale 61, L’Hexagone, TCRM Bliiida, Le Shadok, Halle aux Cuirs (Parc de la Villette), La Folie Numérique, Dans le Même Bateau. Partners La Volte, Red Corner, Pôle Nord Studio, Réseau Oblique/s, AADN, 8FabLab. Thanks to Marie Floquet, Alain Damasio, Matthias Echenay and Norbert Merjagnan, Jérôme Caudrelier and CASUS BELLI, Christophe Colomer, Julien Taïb, Joan Giner and CrossedLab, Yann Crespel, Afif Riahi, Maxence Grugier, Amine Bourezgui, Bastien (8FabLab) and Sylvain Garnavault, Héloïse d’Almeida, Alexandre Vienne, Stéphane Schoukroun, Jean-Louis Deslias and Françoise Williatte. photo : Quentin Chevrier