Narration: Branimir Šcepanovic // Translation: Jean Descat [éditions tusitala] // Stage direction: Julia Vidit
Death on the heels
A man gets off a train to cross the countryside and end his life. He meets two fishermen, without saying hello, and begins a strange manhunt through the countryside. Julia Vidit, artist in residence at La Comédie in 2019-2020, entrusts this text written in two points of view – the man, the fishermen – to an actor and an actress who slide from narrative to embodiment around a strange cone. Video artist Étienne Guiol accompanies the chase with his charcoal drawings. An adaptation of the masterpiece by Serbian novelist Branimir Šcépanovic, La bouche pleine de terre is a blend of theater, sound installation and visual art, bringing to life, almost physically, the strange beauty of a text with Camusian overtones.
With : Laurent Charpentier // Marie-Sohna Condé
Dramaturgy: Guillaume Cayet
IT development: Thomas Pachoud
Drawing, video : Étienne Guiol
Set design: Thibaut Fack
Lighting: Nathalie Perrier
Sound: Martin Poncet
Costumes: Valérie Ranchoux-Carta
Assistant director: Maryse Estier
Lighting assistant: Jeanne Dreyer
Construction workshop: La Baraka
Stage management, lighting, video : Frédéric Maire, Frédéric Toussaint
Location: Atelier de la Comédie – 13 rue du Moulin Brûlé, Reims
Public: All audiences, 15 years and over
Running time: 1h15
Created in January 2020 at the Studio-Théâtre de Vitry sur Seine. Produced by Java Vérité. Coproduction Studio-Théâtre de Vitry, La Manufacture-CDN Nancy-Lorraine, Le Carreau- Scène nationale de Forbach et de l’Est Mosellan, La Comète-Scène nationale de Châlons-en-Champagne, Le Pont des Arts-Cesson-Sévigné. Hosted by Théâtre de Gennevilliers-CDN, Studio-Théâtre de Vitry, Comédie – CDN de Reims. Support from DRAC Grand Est, Région Grand Est, Département Meurthe-et- Moselle, Ville de Nancy. With support from Réseau Quint’Est as part of Quintessence 2018. photo : Elizabeth Carecchio.