Pyr to Pyr is a light and sound performance installation. Pyr as in pyramid, since this is the form taken by the machines developed by Minuitune’s engineers. Linked together in a network (like a « peer to peer » system), they sculpt space augmented with smoke and lasers. Gymkhana’s (Fernando Favier) sound composition, fused with this geometrically rigorous light, creates an interactive, immersive environment whose audiovisual material is almost palpable.
Gymkana is an artist working on the correlation between sound, light and movement. For this performance at Efest, he will be joined by the talented Tunisian performer and choreographer Oumaima Manai, for whom « dance is not the perfection of the body, or the beauty of the limbs, but rather the strength that has no limits and the expression of the perfection of the spirit ».