SONOGRAM is an audiovisual performance combining sound synthesis and visual generation. It explores the principle of the sonogram, a historic process for the visual representation of an acoustic flow.
Freeing itself from the constraints of a mechanical plotter, the digital performance explores other forms of representation. Played live by Taj Ninny, the sound score directs real-time graphic generation algorithms.
This visual translation will take the form of immersive videomapping, broadcast on the walls of the Bubble. (LIVE A/V) IN ASSOCIATION WITH ATELIER BEAU-ARTS.
Taj Ninny Sivvec is interested in the misuse of technology for poetic and musical ends.
Trained as an engineer, he uses various creative development tools (TouchDesigner, Max, Processing, Arduino…) and explores new ways of interacting with sound and graphic spaces.
After graduating from ECE Paris in 2014, he began his career in museography, working on the technological side of various exhibitions (Le Petit Palais, La Cité de la Musique, Le Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Angers).