Efest welcomes Eniarof for an exceptional residency! Artist Antonin Fourneau, then a student at the Beaux-Arts in Aix-en-Provence, imagined an event he called Eniarof (fête foraine à l’envers) as his final year project. The first edition was a freaky DIY happening, mixing retrogaming, bric-a-brac materials and electronic circuits. The concept quickly took off. Antonin Fourneau established a framework, « the Eniarof dogma » (in reference to Lars Von Trier’s dogma), to anchor the principles of this diversionary festival: everything is « made » from scratch, upstream of the event. Since then, Eniarof, like the fairs of yesteryear, has travelled far and wide, taking in Aix-en-Provence, Lille, Poitiers… as well as Maribor, Beijing, Moscow and Düsseldorf.
For this Tunisian premiere at Efest, we wanted Eniarof to have a North/South dimension. Partnerships have been established with the GoD|Art research group at EnsAD in Paris, artists and students from German universities, and the A Maze independent games festival in Berlin. The Tunisian participation will include students from the Esprit engineering school, as well as freelancers from the Tunisian makers community.
The week-long design workshop will bring together participants from Tunisia, France and Germany in a collaborative, skills-exchange format. They will be assisted by a team of mentors comprising Niklas Roy, Antonin Fourneau, Sophie Daste, Kati Hyyppä, Jérémie Cortail and Roman Milletitich.
The aim is to bring together communities of makers of different origins and backgrounds, to encourage joint creations. Around twenty participants – students, hackers, designers, gamers, programmers – will be brought together around collaborative projects, in which each participant will seek to develop new forms of attraction around gamming.
The end result will be a festive exhibition that is both futuristic and in keeping with the original innovative spirit of the funfairs of yesteryear. Audiences of all ages are invited to interact with the installations, play games and test their resistance.
Anas Ghrab // Professor – Mehdi Hadj Sassi // Ecole Esprit – Walid Kilani // Ecole Esprit – Haythem ZOUAOUI // Ecole Esprit – Samy Kefy // Ecole ISAMM 2010 – Hichem Ben Khlifa // Ecole ISAMM 2010 – Malek Hedhly // Ecole ISAMM 2010 – Lena Zwerina // University HfG Karlsruhe – Felix Pankraz // University HfG Karlsruhe – Maike Effenberg // Bauhausuniversität Weimar – Simone Pivetta // Filmhochschule Ludwigsburg – Guofan Xiong // EnsAD PARIS – Louis Anglionin // EnsAD PARIS – Thomas Molles // EnsAD PARIS – Pierre-Emmanuel Meunier // EnsAD PARIS – Daniel Plata // EnsAD PARIS