Public presentation of the interactive installation A’QUANTICNo Logo: 2019 Edition
from April 13th to April 22nd, 2019
A’QUANTIC is an interactive light and sound installation designed by Mehdi Hadj Sassi and Vincent Sanjivy in collaboration with students from ISAM Kairouan, IPEI Bizerte and ISI du Kef. The result of practical workshops held at these establishments, the installation is on display for public viewing and manipulation during the No Logo tour.
A’QUANTIC consists of three luminous monoliths, independent and analogous, installed in an aquatic sound basin, the whole forming an interactive sculpture reacting to the actions of the public. When joined together, the monoliths form an enriched whole. The capacitive effect causes sound frequency modulations that vibrate the surface of the water and influence the light composition.