The film Korsan is the result of a video documentary/fiction workshop on the imaginary world of the Ottoman period, marked by the privateering era. What traces of this period remain in Algiers today? The project introduced the young members of the SOS Bab el Oued association to documentary and moving image techniques, going through all the stages involved in creating a film. One stormy day, the camera sweeps down the Kasbah of Algiers, from Bab Jedid to Bastion 23, questioning passers-by: pirates or privateers? Myth or historical realitý? From the Barberousse brothers to Raïs Hamidou, from the Bab el Oued Ultras to computer hacking, the little story of this neighborhood and its inhabitants resonates with the big story. This collective project is being brought to fruition with the support of No Logo for a first screening and exchange with the public under the Bulle.