No Logo inflatable construction workshop
– Location: ESBA, Algiers School of Fine Arts
– Dates : September 22 to October 4
Led by Simon Cobigo of Collectif La Bulle and Amine Ben Mahmoud of the Echos Electrik team, the main aim of the workshop is the collective construction of the inflatable structure that will be inhabited during the No-Logo project.
Led by a team of students from the École Supérieure des Beaux Arts d’Alger and students from the École Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme d’Alger, the workshop will be complemented by a theoretical input that will enable participants to better grasp the issues underlying inflatable architecture, and eventually manage to reproduce the structure on their own.
The main notions and stages addressed during the workshop will be :
– Presentation of the various design stages previously carried out by the La Bulle team (specifications, sites, 3D modeling)
– Part cutting and assembly.
– Ballast system.
– Circulation system.
– Assembly and disassembly protocol