– Voice: Vittoria Lai
– Flute: Enrico Di Felice
– Violin: Maria Elena Runza
– Live video : Michele Casanova & Marcello Cualbu
– Live electronics: Fabrizio Casti
Dark project is a flexible, ever-changing project that unites artistic and cultural events.
under the common denominator of « creative technology ». Thus, the
technology becomes a means of integrating and combining different forms of expression, in
a continuous exchange as part of a veritable electronic and digital revolution.
digital revolution.
In Dark Project, everything is done in real time: the images, as well as the acous-
and electronic music. Each element adapts to the demands of the other, giving-
to the demands of the other, giving rise to an audio/video macro-composition in which
from one composition to another, with a background of sounds and images in perfect harmony.