Out of residency. The aim of the collaboration between No Logo and the Théâtre de l’opprimé Casablanca is to create an evolving performance, progressively bringing together participants from each of the cities involved in the project. The work will consist of a series of residencies, with the first stage in Chefchaouen bringing together trainers and actors from Casablanca with two participants from the city. This will be followed by a second stage in Tiznit, which will welcome two additional participants to the troupe formed. The final stage will take place in Casablanca.
Each stage will give rise to a public performance, the fruit of the work carried out in the city, which will be extended to the next stage.
Théâtre de l’Opprimé Casablanca The « Théâtre de l’opprimé de Casablanca » troupe was founded in 2012 in Casablanca – Morocco. It is an artistic experiment formed in the Moroccan cultural field, by young people from the Moroccan democratic movement. The « Théâtre de l’opprimé de Casablanca » troupe is not guided by the principle of « art for art’s sake », but aims to bring art out of closed elitist salons into public spaces, as it is one of the most effective tools for change.