Introductory sound creation workshop for young audiences. Led by Arthur Zerktouni and Farid Ayelem Rahmouni.
With the help of choreographer Farid Ayelem Rahmouni and artist Arthur Zerktouni, discover digital creation tools applied to live performance. Use video projection, visual interactivity and sound diffusion to enhance a dancer’s movements and create an immersive environment.
This workshop will introduce you to software for visual and sound creation, providing you with the technical and artistic foundations for the design and production of technological shows.
Digital tools covered :
Visual software :
Inkscape, PureData and Stencyl.
Sound software :
Audacity, Reason, PureData,
Hardware :
BCR2000 MIDI controller and Akai MIDIMIX, ZOOM H4N microphones (vocal, contact, hydrophone).
Outputs :
Theatre/dance conservatory students, computer science students, live performance professionals, these workshops will introduce you to the possibilities offered by digital tools for your performance creations.
Sessions and times :
2-day workshop – Duration 3h/day – 2pm to 5pm
Number of participants :
10 participants Max