Objective: Initially, the workshop will take place with a panel of participants from Tiznit. The aim is to draw on their technical skills to conduct artistic experiments based on direct interaction between sound and visuals. In a second phase, one of the participants will accompany the animator to Chefchaouen to carry out an artistic residency with Abdelali Abdessamad’s Taqtoqa group, an opportunity to put into practice the lessons received by confronting them with creative work. The results of the residency will be presented to the public during the No Logo tour.
– Practice: After exploring two libraries dedicated to artistic creation, the workshop will focus on manipulating the parameters of visual objects using sound data features. In particular, participants will study three fundamental issues in this context: techniques for analyzing audio data according to the nature of the sound content, the relevance of the sound control features chosen, and the effectiveness of the visual parameters controlled. At the end of this first period in Tiznit, they will be able to set up a sound-visual workflow.
– Duration: 4 days in Tiznit/ 3 days residency in Chefchaouen
– Languages used: C++ and Python
– Library: OpenFrameworks (https://openframeworks.cc/) / Pyo (http://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software/pyo/).