Pixel Display is the result of research into light and the possibility of creating a 3-dimensional video display.
The device comprises 128 light cubes, equipped with a triad of LEDs, which act as giant pixels, processing any visual or sound information and retransmitting it according to the installation’s light codes.
Reduced to the primary colors of optics (red, blue and green), the video signal is simplified to the extreme to highlight its essential elements: light, color and movement.
The use of pixels is a return to the basic elements of the digital image. Following in the footsteps of pointillism, cubofuturism and Optic Art, Pixel Display explores the limits of abstraction in broadcasting.
Pixel Display also expresses a certain fascination for new audiovisual technologies and the infinite possibilities of these systems.
Pixel Display presents itself as a video screen in the form of a Lego screen, infinitely modular since each cube is independent. The screen can take the form of a vertical parallelepiped, or be exploded into separate modules: columns, cylinders, a mosaic on the floor… Pixel Display is thus an interactive, modular sculpture that allows the public to « enter the screen », playing with the interstices of the device. by playing with the interstices of the device and its interactivity, made possible by the addition of a simple webcam.
Thanks to its interactivity, Pixel Display can also be used as a scenographic support, in association with a live show, performance or choreography. In this way, dance can be conveyed in a new light by the device’s interface, which synthesizes the performer’s movement and takes account of the body’s rhythm and that of the music.