Premium Consortium renews its interactive Video installation generated and controlled in Real Time by an Artificial Intelligence (programmed and educated upstream) (first time at Nuits Sonores 2008), evolving an abstract « graphic bestiary » (a bestiary generated by festival-goers) in an animal-like environment using genetic, analog, empirical and mathematical rules.
1. The installation
The installation is composed of several elements. A basic environment, which can be translated as the « Echos Sonores space », retranscribed virtually. This environment is modulated by environmental variables (temperature, density, movement, noise, light, etc.) interactively retrieved directly from the site, thanks to a battery of sensors of all types, strategically placed for greater accuracy of information and to set the « virtual » limits of the environment.
An « Artificial Intelligence » generating the graphic representation of the space, weighting the variables and interpreting the information. This same intelligence transcribes the state of the Virtual World (modelled on the real world) graphically (after prior aesthetic education).
A virtual bestiary, translated in the form of graphic elements, abstract for the most part but nonetheless endowed with meaning. An evolving bestiary, since each « animal » is generated by a festival-goer and has the ability to evolve or mutate (merge, move, attack, defend, absorb, etc. ….), all in relation to the environment, other variables and reality.
2. Interaction
Interaction in Digital Paradise is expressed through a number of variables and parameters. First of all, density, thanks to an entry counter; each festival-goer is translated directly upon entering the space by the AI as an « element of the bestiary », then temperature; by measuring it at various strategic locations, as it increases, so does the excitement of the elements vice-versa. Then movement, with sensors in high-traffic areas over a short period of time (scene change). Movement flows are interpreted as migratory flows – Music & sound, interfaced directly to the control room, provide an overall rhythm to the virtual world. And finally, luminosity, thanks to probes, directly interacts with the social character of the elements.
3. Broadcasting
The installation is broadcast directly onto one or more giant central screens, plus smaller annex screens forming « microcosms » within the overall virtual world. These smaller satellites are intended for didactic use of the virtual world, enabling festival-goers and actors to better understand the workings of « Digital Paradise » through interactive micro-tutorials.