Efest-Lab is our training platform for digital creation, a program that began in 2009. We have collaborated on training sessions with ISM in Tunis, ISAMM in Manouba and CMAM in Sidi Bou Saïd.
The aim of these workshops is to introduce new users to the creative possibilities offered by Pure Data free software.
Pure Data (Pd) is a real-time programming environment for creating and manipulating all types of multimedia files:
images, sounds, videos, texts, www.puredata.info. Two two-week sessions were scheduled for 2012.
The first session took place in March, and was dedicated to learning the Pure Data environment, an introduction to the world of multimedia creation, an introduction to the use of sensors and Arduino, and the design of group projects.
For this last session, participants will have to finalize their group projects, the best of which will be exhibited at the Objets Son exhibition to be held at the Palais Abdellia from November 17 to 24. We are working to combine dissemination and training, offering, on the one hand, a
on the one hand, a training opportunity to encourage vocations and know-how, and on the other, a platform for broadcasting and showcasing young artists emerging on the Tunisian digital scene.
Efest-Lab workshops / Pure Data workshopEfest: 2012 Edition - Winter Fest
from November 5th to November 16th, 2012