2nd Crea numerica professional meeting on digital creation in the Mediterranean region and Africa.
In order to support the development of digital creation in the Mediterranean region and more broadly on the African continent, the Echos Electriques association and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie are co-organizing, with the support of the Prince Claus Foundation, from 19 to 21
November 2012, in La Marsa (Tunisia), the 2 nd Crea numerica professional meetings.
Literature, music, cinema, theater, dance, visual arts, design, typography, architecture… digital tools are increasingly taking over creative fields, fostering cross-fertilization of skills and generating new forms of expression. Autonomous works evolving
in interaction with the public, visuals and sounds created using computer instructions, democratization of personal machining devices for artistic, civic or educational purposes, low-cost production of prototypes of electronic objects… the possibilities offered by the
and are constantly evolving.
On the theme of « Training for digital creation », this French-speaking event will bring together some thirty representatives of organizations (universities, art schools, apprenticeships, etc.) from all over the world.
from North America, Europe, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
Through professional meetings and presentations of initiatives to the general public, participants will clarify the issues involved in the development of digital creation, question pedagogical practices, and anticipate the skills to be developed in the light of these changes.
and opportunities offered by digital technology, and highlight the specificities and complementarities of academic teaching,
technical training and popular education in technology, and initiate projects and partnerships where appropriate. Particular attention will also be paid to the use of open-source software and tools.
At the crossroads of art, design, innovation and technology, these meetings aim to strengthen international cooperation between specialized digital creation circles in the Mediterranean area and on the African continent; identify and promote initiatives in the countries of the South
encourage cross-disciplinarity and the sharing of experience and best practices.
Alongside these meetings, the general public will be able to discover several digital creations by Tunisian and foreign artists as part of the interactive exhibition « L’objet son » (November 18-24, 2012), the 1st international event of its kind in Africa.
November 19th
9:30 am Opening of the Tunis meeting by Afif Riahi, Director of the FEST festival/ E-FEST project in Tunisia and Christian Ambaud, Program Specialist at the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
// Training in digital creation: issues, content and practices
/// Democratize the art of designing and machining objects using
November 20th
//// The contribution of open-source software and hardware to learning the
digital creation
///// International dynamics for sharing creative knowledge
////// Search for partnerships
November 21st
/////// Developing cross-disciplinary skills in digital creation
//////// International dynamics for sharing creative knowledge
///////// Search for partnerships
///// List of participants
//// School of Graphic Research – ERG (Brussels, Belgium)
Mr. Stéphane Noël, digital art teacher
//// Constant, Association for Art and Multimedia (Brussels, Belgium)
Mr. Peter Westenberg, Association Manager
//// IP Burkina Association (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
Mr. Gildas Wend n mi Guiella, coordinator of a fablab created in 2011 in Ouagadougou
//// Loss of signal (Montreal, Canada-Quebec)
Mr Sofian Audry, digital artist and President of Collectif Perte de signal
//// Uqam School of Visual and Media Arts (Montreal, Canada-Québec)
Mr. Alexandre Castonguay, digital artist and teacher
//// r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation (Berlin, Germany / Canada-Ontario)
Mr. Stephen Kovats, Founder
//// Studio de création arts numériques / Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Chicoutimi, Canada-Québec)
Mr. James Partaik, teacher, responsible for the interdisciplinary Digital Arts Certificate program at Uqac.
//// Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts d’Abidjan – ENBA (Abdijan, Côte d’Ivoire)
Ms Mathilde Moreau, Director
Souleymane Oumtanaga, Professor, Institut national polytechnique
Felix Houphouët-Boigny, founding member of the Free Software movement in Côte d’Ivoire, head of LabTic Abidjan
//// Medrar Association for Contemporary Art (Cairo, Egypt)
Mr. Kareem Sayed Osman, audio-visual performance artist and Vjing, member
member of the Medrar Association (InterLabs project and Open Lab Egypt project for contemporary art).
interactive art)
//// Laboratoire Sliders / Ecole européenne supérieure de l’image – EESI
(Poitiers, France)
Mr. Frédéric Curien, Composer-sound artist and teacher
Claudine Dussolier (Marseille, France), Head of cooperation in the Mediter-
ranée at ZINC-ECM de la Friche Belle de Mai (Marseille), and co-founder of the project
Rami – Rencontres Arts et Multimédia Internationales.
Eléonore Hellio (Strasbourg, France / Kinshasa, Congo R.D.), Digital artist and
teacher at the Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg (France) and at
Academy of Fine Arts in Kinshasa (D.R. Congo)
//// Association Usinette (Athis-Mons, France)
Ms Ursula Gastfall, artist and active member of the Usinette association
Uros Petrevski (Paris, France / Serbia), Teacher at the Ecole nationale supérieure de
création industrielle (ENSCI / Paris) and designer of digital projects for
design agency Nodesign.
//// Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing, France)
Mr. Eric Prigent, Coordinator, Digital Creation Department
//// Institut Supérieur des Arts de Guinée – ISAG (Dubreka, Guinea)
Mr. Sylla Aly Badra, Director
//// Abdo Nawar (Beirut, Lebanon)
Film director and production manager, lecturer at the Lebanese University of Beirut.
Beirut, founder of the ICARE Academy dedicated to the audiovisual and multi
media, administrator of the Shams cooperative, and co-founder of the Rami project – Ren-
contres Arts et Multimédia Internationales.
//// Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (Beirut, Lebanon)
Mr. Zareh Serabian, head of the « Product Design » section and teacher
//// Conservatoire des Arts et métiers Multimédia Balla Fasseké Kouyaté –
CAMM (Bamako, Mali)
Mr. Mamadou Habib Ballo, Teacher and Director of the Multimedia Department
computer graphics department.
//// T-lab platform / OpenTaqafa meetings (Casablanca, Morocco)
Mr. Salah Malouli, in charge of developing the T-lab platform, a laboratory for the re-
culture in Casablanca and co-founder of the Rencontres OpenTaqafa.
Abdelmajid Seddati (Casablanca, Morocco)
Lecturer in video art at Hassan II University in Casablanca, director of the Festival
and the Casablanca Festival of Visual Arts and New Media.
//// Nouhou Karidio (Niamey, Niger)
National Arts Director of Niger
//// Edgard Afoutou (Dakar, Senegal)
Programmer, member of Dakar Lug, software user community
community in Dakar, involved in digital creation projects.
//// Institut SupInfo (Dakar, Senegal)
Mr. Didier Diop, General Administrator
//// UFR CRAC / Université Gaston Berger (Saint-Louis, Senegal)
Mr. Bouna Ahmeth FALL, Teacher-Researcher, Head of Computer Graphics Section
//// Kër Thiossane, Villa pour l’art et le multimédia (Dakar, Senegal)
Ms Marion Louisgrand Sylla, Coordinator
//// Haute école d’art et de design – Head (Geneva, Switzerland)
Mr. Sciboz Daniel, teacher, co-director and lecturer in the Media master’s program
//// Échos Électriques / EFEST Project (Tunisia)
Mr. Afif Riahi, Director
Mr. Anas Ghrab (Tunis, Tunisia), Musicologist, Assistant Professor at the Institut Supérieur
de Musique de Sousse.
M me Farah Khelil (Tunis, Tunisia / Paris, France), Artist and teacher-researcher in
Visual Arts, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, CÉRAP.
M. Ali Tnani (Tunis, Tunisia), Multidisciplinary artist using various media such as
photography, drawing and sound installation.
M. Haythem Zakaria (Tunis, Tunisia), Artist producing installations and other works.
interactive installations, and organizer of training and educational workshops on the live image.
cinema and object cinema.
//// Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou (Togo / France)
Researcher in architecture and anthropology in France, initiator of a fablab/
co-working space in Lomé (Togo) as part of L’Africaine d’architecture de
study year « Numérique, TICs » and ArchiCamp 2012.
//// Pixelache Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
Ms Nathalie Aubret, Pixelversity training representative, in charge of
development of the « Signals from South » program.
//// Christian Ambaud
Digital Culture Program Specialist, International Organization of the Francophonie
de la Francophonie (OIF)