« Egregore » refers to an energy produced by the desires of several individuals working towards a common goal. This is the starting point for this audiovisual performance, which aims to exploit the phenomena of group movement.
Complex, expressive behaviors are generated and controlled by a computer, and transcribed into sound and image. A crowd of particles unfurls, reorganizes and arranges itself into more or less coherent living structures, evolving from a chaotic movement to a more complex one.
group cohesion. This project is a continuation of dechdh’s work on audiovisual instruments, but aims to radicalize the research.
Collective movements
Group movements are an interesting area of research, given the complexity of behaviors and forms generated by interactions between individuals. From a host of identical elements, surprising forms and movements can emerge. This is the case in certain schools of fish or flights of starlings: each individual adapts its speed and position according to those of its neighbors. From these individual movements, structures emerge that organize themselves into forms.
whose diversity mirrors the behaviors that give rise to them. A global form is created by the sum of individual wills: noisy lines or clouds are transformed into fractals born of chaotic dynamics. All these elements can have a common intention, oppose each other in different groups or evolve independently.
Egrégore aims to capitalize on the experience acquired since 2002 around chdh’s main areas of work: physical modeling and behavior synthesis applied to the creation of audio-visual instruments. In egregore, there is only one compound form, a
a macro-structure that comes into being thanks to a host of micro-elements that make up the visual and aural space. As the performance progresses, and under the action of the two instrumentalists, this audiovisual form evolves and mutates. In a single, continuous artistic gesture, the elements evolve from individual chaotic behavior into a consistent organism.