« Non-narrative music that focuses on our perception of space as a function of sound, and does not require listening in the traditional sense… A process of placing sound in space, with the aim of creating an atmosphere, a sound décor superimposed on the sounds.
of the place… » Robin MINARD in his article « La musique environnemen-tale ».
The Eolien Sonores project consists of a small set of electric wind harps installed on the city’s rooftops, like autonomous transmitters that allow us to listen to the music of the wind in real time. The sound produced by this instrumentarium is sent via Wifi waves to a
The sound produced by this instrumentarium is sent by Wifi waves in a mesh mode, and retransmitted to broadcasting locations by a receiver with a novel plastic appearance, as well as on the Internet where appropriate.
For the « Objets-Son » exhibition, a transmitting terminal placed outside consists of an electric wind harp and a wifi transmitter. It is powered by two solar panels. In the exhibition room, a receiving terminal, consisting of a screen and cylindrical loudspeakers in
the sound of the wind in real time. A sound Bendir is used as a subwoofer, this traditional instrument from the Maghreb is here transposed into an unexpected sound object. A recording system allows sequences of high winds to be replayed at special moments.
quieter moments (calm wind).