Co-founder of the prestigious Raster-Noton label with Alva Noto and Olaf Bender, Frank Bretschneider is a leading exponent of the « microscopic-music » movement.
He is one of the leading figures on the minimalist and experimental electronic scene. Frank Bretschneider began tinkering with tapes in the early ’80s, before joining an electropunk band and founding the Raster-Noton label in 1996. His performances place as much emphasis on music as on visuals, whether video or computer-generated images, and he is a regular performer at digital arts festivals.
Frank « Komet » Bretschneider returns with an astonishing
« Super.Trigger », where his cutting-edge electronica forged in the
electron microscope explodes into astonishing polyrhythmic landscapes.
Bass music made in France exists, and Yoggy One is a good example. « From Caen to L.A. » the connection may be laughable, but it’s not…
YoggyOne, Honorary Member of the Eklektik records label, made his debut on the offbeat scene in 2008 with the release of his ep « Preparation ». This was followed by a series of collaborations with several renowned beatmakers (Devonwho (US), Ichiro (JP), Ad Bourke (It), …) named « YoggyOne & Friends »… After various experiences in several bands, and important concert dates, he returns to present us with a new live set to accompany the release of his next album « Canopée », with soulful, post dubstep, offbeat tones, influenced by artists such as James Blake and Flying Lotus.
Erotic market is fluorescent, saturated, nervous and jolting, as fat as fish and chips.
Marine Pellegrini’s voice and Lucas Garnier’s machines were at the beginning of Erotic Market, before a rhythm section joined them for the stage. Somewhere between coldwave and trip hop, their music is both haunting and blinding, as if Björk had converted to Sparks. Erotic Market is like a white neon sign in the night. The eye is absorbed, assaulted. Then it gets used to it, and its luminous imprint is so powerful that even with your eyes closed, it’s all you can see.