For this 10th edition, we wanted to focus our programming on the two axes that we feel are the most important to develop within the E-FEST project: the installation arts, through the exhibitions we’ve been organizing since 2008, and the performative, sound and visual arts, through our latest 2014 initiative « INTERCAL ». So what about « this year »‘s Electro Nights?
This choice reflects the evolution of the electronic music scene in Tunisia in recent years. With the opening of new venues and festivals dedicated to this culture, as well as a considerable increase in events and evenings hosted by Tunisian djs/producers, we felt it would be more useful to reinforce the presence of formats still little represented on the Tunisian artistic scene.
E-FEST is no stranger to the success of the electronic music scene in Tunisia. Since its creation in 2007, we have been campaigning for the dissemination and development of digital culture in Tunisia. Hybrid in its programming, the festival has always supported the diversity of forms and sounds, preferring knowledge to being by editorializing its content, with the constant concern of escaping the artistic formatting increasingly seen at international festivals, which consists of lining up the same headliners one after the other.
Our approach, didactic and popular, is constructive for the enrichment of the Tunisian cultural landscape and the emergence of new, demanding artistic languages.
Our conviction remains intact, and our philosophy the same: an urban, educational festival, open to all contemporary artistic disciplines, in conjunction with new technologies. Over the nine years of our existence, we’ve forged close ties with a number of the artists we’ve exhibited at the festival since its inception. Today, these links are taking shape with our first co-curatorial invitation to the festival.
artistic program.
The theme of the « Surface Sensible » exhibition is interactivity and the spect-actor.
The fruit of an initial collaboration between Tunisian artist Farah Khelil, and Afif Riahi, initiator of the E-FEST digital art festival, the project’s ambition is to foster joint reflection on the position of the spectator as a physical and cognitive participant in the creation of the work. In a broader sense, through the choice of this
theme, we hope to encourage the public to reflect metaphorically on their role in shaping the cultural and artistic landscape that is offered to them.
For its part, INTERCAL will take over La Bulle, a light, immersive and nomadic architecture designed by the La BULLE collective, which will host electroacoustic performances and Lives A/V.