INTERCAL is a median space, a sound and visual cartography aimed at a specific target space or theme. For this new project, we have chosen the theme of the « urban anthropic ecosystem », an ecosystem anthropized to the point of forgetting or reducing its naturalness. The aim is to capture sound phenomena related to nature, recompose them and then reintroduce them into the heart of the city.
Using human respiration as a source of inspiration in the face of the sounds of natural ecosystems, new digital creation technologies as tools, and the erasure of natural sounds in the city as a focus, the collective aims to create a work in dialogue with a given space, and propose a new reading, apprehension and perception of the places invested.
In partnership with the Composit collective, the creation of Elémenta will take the form of educational workshops, based on the recording of « Fieldrecording » sounds and their manipulation through « Ardouino/Capteurs » hardware and « Max/Msp » software interfaces. An interactive installation will be created with the participants at the end of the workshops, based on the principle of capacitive sensors enabling all types of surface to be made reactive to touch using a specially prepared paint. The sounds recorded during the fieldrecording sessions are then manipulated interactively via these painted forms.
The presentation will provide young participants with an understanding of the phenomenon of sound, as well as an example of its use in art. The discovery tour includes :
– Recording of the sound material used in the installation, elements of nature, Ichkeul National Park…
– Discovering interactive tools (sensors, Arduino, Max/Msp) and the fundamentals of electricity, electronics and computer science.
– Technical design of the installation.
– Deployment of the installation on the Bab El Bhar site.