Objective: The workshops are held in each of the cities targeted by the No Logo project, and their main objective is to support participants in a creative process based on 360° video and the contributions that Virtual Reality brings to the audiovisual storytelling process. Pedagogical support will help them to acquire and master the tools and principles of storytelling to tell the story of certain aspects of their daily lives and/or the specific features of their locality.
Through documentary immersion in their own local environment, they will distill some of the essence of their daily lives, crystallizing it into an immersive 360° video form. The project culminates in a 360° immersive video work that will be shown in two formats on the No Logo tour:
. 360° Video: The video visible through a virtual reality headset, which will be displayed at a kiosk accompanying the No Logo tour.
. Half-dome projection: The video will be designed in advance so that it can be projected onto the dome (of the bubble), offering a vision shared by audiences inside the No Logo Bubble.
– Target Audience: Three to six young people per city.
– Duration per city (Phases):
Phase 1 January: 9 days distance learning – 3 days per city – Principled establishments.
Phase 2 January – February: 1 Month remote – Writing/Development.
Phase 3 February – March : 12 days – 4 days per city – Shooting and Postproduction.