To carry out a project that can only succeed if it is supported by local relays, it was essential to start with a preliminary exploration phase to meet the leaders of the local cultural and associative scene and to compare our intuitions and ambitions with their knowledge of the field.
This meeting took place from October 9 to 19, after two months of preparation and contacts with local relays in the three towns concerned, and enabled us to meet numerous artists, teachers and civil society players, gain a better understanding of local expectations and sketch out avenues for artistic collaboration.
Through these numerous encounters, we were able to confront our intuitions and observe that the desire to create new artistic collaborations was strong.
The idea of getting digital artists and local artists to work together to reinterpret local artistic practices is a popular one, but it also raises many questions that we can’t avoid. They will therefore be at the heart of the creative and exhibition process that will form the next stages of the project.
This phase is built on the encounters and partnerships established during the first phase. The main objective is the production and creation of works in situ associating regional artists with the project’s resident artists.
Hamda Saidi, (painter) and Mohamed Amin Hammouda (Plasticians) & Lydia Dallel (Videographer) – Period of execution (January – February – March) – Residency objective: Creation of a plastic work with video mapping narration.
Ali Chemseddine (Musician and musicologist) & Zied Meddeb Hamrouni (Sound artist and electronic musician) – Performance period (January – February) – Residency objective: Creation of a 45min electroacoustic live performance.
Gafsa :
Wajd Belhassen (Drum musician) & Skander Besbes (Sound artist and electronic musician) – Performance period (March) – Residency objective: Creation of a 45min live electroacoustic performance.
Le Kef :
Soumaya Tissawi (Choreographer) & Tarek Louati (Sound artist and electronic musician) – Performance period (March) – Residency objective: Creation of a 20min performance.
Ali Chemseddine, musician and musicologist
Arij Jaouachi, teacher at the Institut Supérieur des Arts et Métiers in Gabès
Hamda Saidi, painter
Mahmoud Mahmoud, director of the Gabès youth complex
Mohamed Amine Hammouda, painter
Olfa Nejima, Director of the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts
Mohamed Hani Marzougui, visual arts student at Arts et Métiers de Gabès
Aymen Goubaa, musician
Majdeddine Boukhtir, musician
Alaeddine Romdhane, musician
Rym Sanhouri, visual arts student at Arts et Métiers de Gabès and photographer
Aida Niati, teacher at the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts in Gabès
Abla Baccouri, Director of the Gafsa Youth Complex
Mohamed Belgacem, dancer
Wael Ben Ali, dancer
Wajd Belhassen, Musician Drummer
Hichem Zidi, Gafsa cultural delegate
Rami Ben Salah, Director of the Gafsa Conservatory
Chamseddine Zitouni, stage manager for cinema and theater
13 young people from different artistic disciplines present in the complex during the project presentation
Le Kef
Sami Nasri, Kef cultural delegate
Omar Hammami, musician and music teacher
Omar Aloui, professor of theater semiotics
Karima Brini, president of the Femme & Citoyenneté association
Mohamed Tlili, historian
Amir Gueddiche, president of the association des arts pour le cinéma et le théâtre and founder of the short film festival in Kef
Thouraya Boughanmi